European Commission of Human Rights (EurCommHR), Strasbourg
14807/89 |
Decision of 12.02.1992, Agrotexim Hellas S.A. and Others v. Greece, Shareholders of a company (S.A.) under liquidation as victims of an alleged interference of their right to peaceful enjoyment of their possessions / Application declared admissible |
13 HRLJ 318 (1992) |
14807/89 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 24.10.1995 |
18465/91 |
Decision of 01.04.1993, Air Canada v. United Kingdom, Seizure of an aircraft which carried prohibited drugs on a previous flight / Application declared admissible |
14 HRLJ 226 (1993) |
18465/91 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 05.05.1995, see below under EurCourtHR |
21893/93 |
Decision of 19.10.1994, Akdivar and Others v. Turkey, Forced evacuation and destruction of a village in South-East Turkey / Application declared admissible without exhaustion of domestic remedies |
15 HRLJ 399 (1994) |
21893/93 |
EurCourtHR judgment (GC, merits) of 16.09.1996, see below under EurCourtHR |
21893/93 |
EurCourtHR judgment (just satisfaction) of 01.04.1998 |
21987/93 |
Decision of 19.10.1994, Aksoy v. Turkey, Commission’s task to examine circumstances of the applicant’s death, allegedly killed as a result of his complaint to the Commission / Theoretical and illusory nature of domestic remedies confirmed in one case of alleged torture / Application declared admissible |
15 HRLJ 394 (1994) |
21987/93 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 18.12.1996, see below under EurCourtHR |
9490/81 |
Decision of 01.03.1982, A.M. v. Denmark, Complaint about potential deportation manifestly ill-founded / Application declared inadmissible |
3 HRLJ 354 (1982) |
18270/91 |
Decision of 08.10.1991, An and Others v. Cyprus, No responsibility of the Republic of Cyprus for acts of the Turkish Cypriot authorities in the north of Cyprus / Application inadmissible, rejected as incompatible with the provisions of the Convention |
13 HRLJ 153 (1992) |
34324/96 |
Decision of 23.10.1997, BBC Scotland v. United Kingdom, Judicial order postponing the broadcast of a TV documentary on alleged brutalities of prison officers because of a temporary risk of prejudice to a trial in accordance with Article 10 ECHR / Application declared inadmissible being manifestly ill-founded |
18 HRLJ 467 (1997) |
22493/93 |
Decision of 11.10.1994, Berktay v. Turkey, Life-threatening conduct by police officers / Application of a Kurdish father and his son declared admissible |
16 HRLJ 130 (1995) |
22493/93 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 01.03.2001 |
17512/90 |
Decision of 06.07.1992, Calcerrada Fornieles and Cabeza Mato v. Spain, Submission of the same matter to the UN Human Rights Committee / Application rejected pursuant to Article 27(1)(b) [now Article 35(2)(b)] |
17 HRLJ 128 (1996) |
28369/95 |
Decision of 08.09.1997, Camp and Bourimi v. Netherlands, Recognition of paternity / Death of the mother’s companion before the child’s birth / Application declared admissible |
18 HRLJ 326 (1997) |
28369/95 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 03.10.2000 |
9300/81 |
Report of 12.07.1984, Can v. Austria, Violation of Article 6 of the Convention / Supervision of the suspect’s consultations with his lawyer |
7 HRLJ 111 (1986) |
9300/81 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 30.09.1985, see below under EurCourtHR |
16358/90 |
Decision of 12.10.1992, Cereceda Martin and Others v. Spain, Submission of the same matter to the ILO Committee / Application rejected pursuant to Article 27(1)(b) [now Article 35(2)(b)] |
17 HRLJ 130 (1996) |
22677/93 |
Decision of 09.01.1995, Çetin v. Turkey, State security forces in the south-east part of the country alleged set fire to the applicant’s house in March 1993 / Lack of adequate remedies under the state of emergency / Application declared admissible |
20 HRLJ 38 (1999) |
17439/90 |
Decision of 05.03.1991, Choudhury v. United Kingdom, Protection against blasphemy not extended to the Moslem religion in the United Kingdom / Application alleging interference with freedom of religion declared inadmissible being manifestly ill-founded |
12 HRLJ 172 (1991) |
8440/78 |
Decision of 16.07.1980, Christians against Racism and Fascism v. United Kingdom, Two-month ban on public processions in London held justified / Application declared inadmissible being manifestly ill-founded |
1 HRLJ 334 (1980) |
15299/89, 15300/89, 15318/89 |
11.01.1991, Metropolitan Chrysostomos, Papachrysostomous and Loizidou v. Turkey, Hearing on the admissibility and merits, Alleged violation of the Convention by Turkey in Cyprus |
12 HRLJ 60 (1991) |
15299/89, 15300/89, 15318/89 |
04.03.1991, Metropolitan Chrysostomos, Papachrysostomous and Loizidou v. Turkey, Decision on admissibility (regarding all three cases) / Affirmation of the Commission’s competence to deal with individual applications concerning violations of the Convention which are alleged to have been committed by Turkey in Cyprus |
12 HRLJ 113 (1991) |
15299/89, 15300/89 |
Report of 08.07.1993, Metropolitan Chrysostomos, Papachrysostomous |
15318/89 |
Loizidou, separate procedure before the EurCourtHR, see below under EurCourtHR |
18050/91 |
Decision of 02.07.1992, Coeriel and Aurik v. Netherlands, Request to have surnames changed into Hindu names to follow religious studies / Application inadmissible |
15 HRLJ 448 (1994) |
13134/87 |
Decision of 13.12.1990, Costello-Roberts v. United Kingdom, State’s liability under the Convention concerning corporal punishment in private schools / Application declared admissible |
12 HRLJ 64 (1991) |
13134/87 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 25.03.1993 |
8007/77 |
Report of 04.10.1983, Cyprus v. Turkey, Turkey held responsible for human rights violations vis-à-vis Greek Cypriots: Missing persons, displacement of persons and separation of families, deprivation of possessions, absence of remedies, and discrimination |
13 HRLJ 154 (1992) |
8007/77 |
02.04.1992, re: Cyprus v. Turkey, The Committee of Ministers decided with Resolution DH no. 12 of 2 April 1992 to make the Commission’s Report public (i.e., more than 8 years after its adoption) |
13 HRLJ 181 (1992) |
25781/94 |
EurCourtHR judgment (GC, merits) of 10.05.2001, see below under EurCourtHR |
25781/94 |
EurCourtHR judgment (GC, just satisfaction) of 12.05.2014, see below under EurCourtHR |
18357/91 |
Decision of 31.08.1994, D. and A.A.H. v. Greece, Refusal of the administration to grant foreigners permission to set up a foreign language school / Disregard of judgment of the Luxembourg Court of Justice and the Greek Council of State / Applications declared admissible |
16 HRLJ 50 (1995) |
18357/91 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 19.03.1997 under the case name of Hornsby v. Greece |
15058/89 |
Decision of 10.04.1991, Darnell v. United Kingdom, Length of disciplinary proceedings concerning legality and fairness of a dismissal of a microbiologist in the health service / Application declared admissible |
12 HRLJ 402 (1991) |
15058/89 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 26.10.1993 |
16988/90 |
Report of 31.08.1993, Díaz Ruano v. Spain, State’s responsibility for alleged ill-treatment and subsequent death of a suspect in police custody |
15 HRLJ 213 (1994) |
16988/90 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 26.04.1994, see below under EurCourtHR |
4403/70 |
Report of 14.12.1973, East African Asians v. United Kingdom, Immigration legislation constituted racial discrimination |
15 HRLJ 215 (1994) |
4403/70 |
On the role of the Committee of Ministers and the Government of the United Kingdom regarding the publication of the Commission’s Report more than 20 years after its adoption, see the Editors’ note at 15 HRLJ 213 (1994) with reference to: |
9940/82 et al. |
Decision of 06.12.1983, France, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands v. Turkey, (Plenary), Inter-State complaint declared admissible / Allegations of an administrative practice of torture of prisoners |
4 HRLJ 534 (1983) |
9940/82 et al. |
Report of 07.12.1985, France, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands v. Turkey, Friendly settlement |
6 HRLJ 331 (1985) |
36909/97 |
Decision of 19.10.1998, Gaulieder v. Slovakia, (Plenary), Withdrawal from a political party after 2 years’ membership in Parliament / Existence of a letter of resignation, signed undated in 1994, used in 1996 against the declared will of the applicant / Application declared admissible |
19 HRLJ 298 (1998) |
36909/97 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 18.05.2000 (Struck out of the list) |
22103/93 |
Decision of 16.10.1996, Georgsson v. Iceland, Bar Association admonishes a Supreme Court lawyer for his comments quoted in a newspaper article / Alleged violation of Article 10 ECHR / Application declared admissible |
17 HRLJ 477 (1996) |
176/56 |
Report of 26.09.1958, Greece v. United Kingdom, Application of the Convention to the Island of Cyprus under the British colonial regime / Independence implicitly proposed |
18 HRLJ 348 (1997) |
27644/95 |
Decision of 07.04.1997, Greenpeace Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland, (Plenary), Protection against the effects of a Swiss nuclear power plant (Beznau II) / Application of 12 individual applicants residing in Emergency Zone I declared admissible |
18 HRLJ 164 (1997) |
27644/95 |
EurCourtHR (GC) judgment of 06.04.2000 under the case name of Athanassoglou and Others v. Switzerland |
22299/93 |
Decision of 05.04.1995, Gregory v. United Kingdom, Impartiality of the tribunal / Significance of a jury note referring to racial overtones / Application declared admissible |
16 HRLJ 238 (1995) |
22299/93 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 25.02.1997 |
9251/81 |
Decision of 16.12.1982, Gross v. Germany, Allegiance to the Basic Law and employment in the public service / Applications declared admissible |
4 HRLJ 371 (1983) |
13616/88 |
Decision of 05.12.1991, H. v. France (later denominated as Hentrich), Exercise of tax authorities’ right to prior option on purchase of real estate / Application declared admissible |
12 HRLJ 480 (1991) |
13616/88 |
EurCourtHR judgment (merits) of 22.09.1994 in the case of Hentrich, see below under EurCourtHR |
13616/88 |
EurCourtHR judgment (just satisfaction) of 03.07.1995 in the case of Hentrich |
13616/88 |
EurCourtHR judgment (interpretation) of 03.07.1997 in the case of Hentrich |
16311/90 et al. |
Decision of 11.10.1991, N.H., G.H. and R.A. v. Turkey (later denominated as Hazar and Others), Alleged torture in police custody, impartiality of the Izmir State Security Court and violation of freedom of thought / Plenary decision / Applications declared admissible |
13 HRLJ 131 (1992) |
16311/90 et al. |
Report of 10.12.1992, Hazar and Others, Friendly settlement reached in applications concerning i.a. alleged ill-treatment in police custody |
14 HRLJ 195 (1993) |
25060/94 |
Decision of 18.10.1995, Haider v. Austria, Interview by a public radio station (ORF) of a politician who himself makes statements susceptible of criticism / Interviewing journalist may express provocative points of view / Politician’s application based on Article 10 ECHR declared ill-founded |
25 HRLJ 143 (2004) |
12875/87 |
Report of 16.01.1992, Hoffmann v. Austria, Protection of religious beliefs of a Jehovah’s Witness in a child custody case / Refusal to grant child custody violates Article 8 ECHR |
14 HRLJ 106 (1993) |
12875/87 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 23.06.1993 |
14191/88 |
Decision of 09.01.1992, Holm v. Sweden, Participation of a jury in trials concerning freedom of the press / Application declared admissible as concerns independence of lay judges |
13 HRLJ 79 (1992) |
14191/88 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 25.11.1993 |
11056/84 |
Decision of 15.05.1986, H.v.d.P. v. Netherlands, Recruitment policies of an international organization / Application declared inadmissible |
9 HRLJ 265 (1988) |
11056/84 |
re: H.v.d.P. v. Netherlands, see also the applicant’s Communication No. 217/86 to the UN-HRCee, above under UN-HRCee |
22494/93 |
Decision of 17.10.1994, İlhan v. Turkey, (Plenary), Damage caused by security forces to a Kurdish farmer / Application declared admissible |
16 HRLJ 129 (1995) |
22494/93 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 09.11.2004 |
15890/89 |
Decision of 08.09.1992, Jersild v. Denmark, Dissemination of racist statements in a television interview made with three youths / Responsibility of the convicted journalist / Application declared admissible |
14 HRLJ 74 (1993) |
15890/89 |
EurCourtHR GC Judgment of 23.09.1994, see below under EurCourtHR |
16969/90 |
Decision of 13.02.1992, Keegan v. Ireland, Placement of a child for adoption without knowledge of the natural father / Application declared admissible, |
13 HRLJ 183 (1992) |
16969/90 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 26.05.1994, see below under EurCourtHR |
16152/90 |
Decision of 17.02.1992, Lamguindaz v. United Kingdom, Application of a Moroccan immigrant against a deportation order because of drug related criminality declared admissible |
13 HRLJ 400 (1992) |
16152/90 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 28.06.1993 |
30548/96 |
Decision of 03.12.1997, MacGregor v. United Kingdom, Tax discrimination against women with young children and severely disabled husbands / Application declared admissible |
19 HRLJ 167 (1998) |
30548/96 |
Report of 01.07.1998, Friendly settlement |
15658/89 |
Report of 09.03.1990, Mansi v. Sweden, Regrets of the Swedish Government for expelling an applicant to Jordan under the risk of torture in non-respect of a Rule 36 indication / Friendly settlement |
12 HRLJ 170 (1991) |
24833/94 |
Decision of 16.04.1996, Matthews v. United Kingdom, Elections to the European Parliament without voters from Gibraltar / Application declared admissible |
17 HRLJ 251 (1996) |
24833/94 |
EurCourtHR (GC) judgment of 18.02.1999, see below under EurCourtHR |
24557/94 |
Decision of 06.09.1995, Musiał v. Poland, Length of proceedings to review the lawfulness of the applicant’s continued detention in a psychiatric hospital / Application declared admissible |
12 HRLJ 170 (1991) |
24557/94 |
EurCourtHR judgment (GC) of 25.03.1999 |
13710/88 |
Decision of 05.04.1990, Niemietz v. Germany, Applicability of Article 8 ECHR concerning search of a law office / Application declared admissible |
12 HRLJ 219 (1991) |
13710/88 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 16.12.1992 |
13470/87 |
Report of 14.01.1993, Otto-Preminger-Institut v. Austria, Seizure and forfeiture of a film considered blasphemous / Violation of Article 10 ECHR |
15 HRLJ 379 (1994) |
13470/87 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 20.09.1994, see below under EurCourtHR |
8416/78 |
Decision of 13.05.1980, Paton v. United Kingdom (later denominated as W.P.), Abortion on medical grounds at the initial stage of pregnancy / Application of the potential father claiming to be the victim of a violation of the right to life of the foetus declared manifestly ill-founded / Alleged procedural right of the applicant (under Article 8) to be consulted about the abortion incompatible ratione materiae with the Convention |
1 HRLJ 342 (1980) |
38812/97 |
Decision of 30.10.1998, Poltoratskiy v. Ukraine, Conditions on death row / Application declared admissible |
19 HRLJ 478 (1998) |
38812/97 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 29.04.2003 |
15404/89 |
Decision of 16.04.1991, Purcell and Others v. Ireland, Balance between freedom of expression and its restrictions / Right to deny representatives of known terrorist organisations use of broadcast media as a platform / Application of journalists manifestly ill-founded |
12 HRLJ 254 (1991) |
16757/90 |
Decision of 10.02.1992, S. v. United Kingdom (later denominated as Stanford), Requirements of a fair hearing with regard to the acoustics in the dock behind a glass screen / Application declared admissible |
13 HRLJ 323 (1992) |
16757/90 |
Stanford, EurCourtHR judgment of 23.02.1994, see below under EurCourtHR |
14116/88 et al. |
Decision of 11.05.1989, Sargin and Yağci v. Turkey, Applications concerning alleged torture declared admissible |
15 HRLJ 75 (1994) |
14116/88 et al. |
The Committee of Ministers was informed that a friendly settlement has been reached in this case on 15 September 1993, see Committee of Ministers Resolution of 14.12.1993, D.H. (93) 59 |
15 HRLJ 36 (1994) |
14327/88 |
Decision of 09.04.1991, Sibson v. United Kingdom, Special circumstances in applying 6 month time-limit (Article 26 ECHR) / Application declared admissible |
12 HRLJ 351 (1991) |
14327/88 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 20.04.1993 |
16130/90 |
Decision of 10.07.1991, Sigurđur Sigurjónsson v. Iceland, Special circumstances for non-observance of the domestic remedies rule / Compulsory membership in the Frami Automobile Drivers’ Association / Application declared admissible |
12 HRJ 402 (1991) |
16130/90 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 30.06.1993 |
32857/96 |
Decision of 03.12.1997, Stamoulakatos v. Greece, No abuse of the right of petition under Article 27 § 2 ECHR in case of withdrawal of insulting or other abusive statements by the applicant / Application declared admissible |
18 HRLJ 479 (1997) |
18139/91 |
Decision of 12.05.1993, Tolstoy Miloslavsky v. United Kingdom, Damages of £1.5 million awarded for publication of a pamphlet alleging war crimes, and £124.900 security costs before allowance to continue appeal, considered under Articles 10 and 6 ECHR / Application declared admissible |
14 HRLJ 377 (1993) |
18139/91 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 13.07.1995, see below under EurCourtHR |
35573/97 |
Decision of 03.12.1997, Tolstoy Miloslavsky v. United Kingdom, Request to re-open civil proceedings / Article 6 ECHR not applicable / Application ratione materiae incompatible with the Convention |
18 HRLJ 469 (1997) |
14084/88 et al. |
Decision of 04.03.1991, V. and Others v. Netherlands, Access to information allegedly held by the security services / Applications declared admissible |
12 HRLJ 282 (1991) |
16121/90 |
Decision of 06.03.1991, W.J. v. Austria (later denominated as Jedinger), Alleged ill-treatment by police / Lack of evidence / Application declared inadmissible |
12 HRLJ 173 (1991) |
22714/93 |
Decision of 27.11.1995, Worm v. Austria, Conviction for prohibited influence on criminal proceedings / “Causa Androsch” / Application declared admissible after reconsideration of previous case-law on 6 months’ period (Article 26 ECHR) / Service of the written judgment decisive |
17 HRLJ 89 (1996) |
22714/93 |
EurCourtHR judgment of 29.08.1997 |
9702/82 |
Decision of 06.10.1982, X. v. United Kingdom, British Census Regulations 1980 in accordance with European Convention on Human Rights / Application declared inadmissible |
5 HRLJ 91 (1984) |
18420/91 |
Decision of 17.02.1993, X. v. Malta (later denominated as Vella), Search of applicant’s home constituted inhuman treatment according to Constitutional Court’s decision / Application declared admissible as to complaint of interference with respect for his home / “Victim” status confirmed |
14 HRLJ 298 (1993) |
18420/91 |
Report of 20.01.1994, Friendly settlement |
14229/88 |
Decision of 13.12.1990, X and Y v. United Kingdom (mother and son), State’s liability under the Convention concerning corporal punishment in private schools / First applicant’s case inadmissible ratione personae; second applicant’s case declared admissible |
12 HRLJ 61 (1991) |
14229/88 |
Y v. UK, EurCourtHR judgment of 29.10.1992 |
23179/94 |
Decision of 15.05.1995, Yilmaz v. Turkey, State security forces in the South-East part of the country alleged set fire to the applicant’s house in June 1993 / Lack of adequate remedies under the state of emergency / Application declared admissible |
20 HRLJ 41 (1999) |
23179/94 et al. |
Report of 09.09.1997, Yilmaz, Ovat, Sahin, and Dündar v. Turkey |
14830/89 |
Decision of 08.11.90, Yousef v. United Kingdom, Refusal by British immigration authorities to allow a Kuwaiti citizen to re-enter the United Kingdom after his divorce from a British woman / Application declared admissible |
11 HRLJ 459 (1990) |
14830/89 |
Report of 30.06.1992: No violation of Article 8 / Violation of Article 13 |