International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), The Hague


Bibliographical notes on the Judges who rendered the decisions of 10 August and 2 October 1995 (Tadić case)

16 HRLJ 492 (1995)


Case No. IT-94-2-I / Indictment against Dragan Nikolić

15 HRLJ 480 (1994)


Case No. IT-94-1-D / Request for deferral of the German investigation against Duško Tadić to the competence of the International Tribunal

15 HRLJ 486 (1994)


Case No. IT-94-1-I / Indictment against Dušan Tadić and Goran Borovnica / Responsibility for killings within and outside the Omarska camp between May and August 1992

16 HRLJ 223 (1995)


Case No. IT-95-4-I / Indictment against 19 members of the Serb forces (Željko Meakić et al.) who were commanders, guards or others responsible for the conditions and mistreatment of prisoners in the Omarska camp between May and August 1992

16 HRLJ 229 (1995)


Case No. IT-95-5-D / Formal request / Prosecutor’s application for deferral of criminal proceedings against Radovan Karadžić, Ratko Mladić and Mico Stanišić to the competence of the ICTY

16 HRLJ 217 (1995)


Case No. IT-95-4-D / Formal request / Prosecutor’s application for deferral of criminal proceedings against 27 accused (i.a. military and political Bosnian Croat leaders) to investigate on crimes against the Muslim population in the Lasva River Valley Area allegedly committed between September 1992 and June 1993

16 HRLJ 234 (1995)


Case No. IT-95-6-D / Decision to grant application for deferral of criminal proceedings against 27 accused (i.a. military and political Bosnian Croat leaders) concerning crimes allegedly committed in the Lasva River Valley Area between September 1992 and June 1993

16 HRLJ 236 (1995)


Case No. IT-95-5-D / Decision to grant application for deferral of criminal proceedings against Radovan Karadžić, Ratko Mladić and Mico Stanišić

16 HRLJ 220 (1995)


Case No. IT-94-1-T / Decision / Trial Chamber denies defence motion on the jurisdiction of the Tribunal / Tadić case

16 HRLJ 426 (1995)


Case No. IT-94-1-AR72 / Appeals Chamber affirms the jurisdiction of the Tribunal and dismisses the appeal / Tadić case

16 HRLJ 437 (1995)