Cumulative Index as from HRLJ vol. 1 (1980) Onwards

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   UV   W   YZ

MacDermot, Niall
Seven Remarks to Stimulate the Discussion, 1988 Strasbourg Seminar on the Implementation of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture 10 HRLJ 140 (1989)

Machacek, Rudolf
► Machacek, Rudolf and Öhlinger, Theo, The Constitutional Court of Austria and its Judgments: Introduction and Selected Examples of Court Judgments delivered in 1980 1 HRLJ 366 (1980)
► Machacek, Rudolf and Öhlinger, Theo, The Constitutional Court of Austria and its judgments: Introduction and Selected Examples of Court Judgments delivered in 1981 2 HRLJ 397 (1981)

Madner, Verena
Climate Change as a Challenge for Constitutional Courts: Fundamental Freedoms and Duties of Protection A Perspective from Austria, 43 HRLJ 354-360 (2023)

Mälksoo, Lauri
► The European Court of Human Rights and the Qualification of Soviet Crimes in the Baltic States 39 HRLJ 19 (2019)

Mahoney, Paul
Judicial Activism and Judicial Self-Restraint in the European Court of Human Rights: two sides of the same coin 11 HRLJ 57 (1990)

► The Doctrine of the Margin of Appreciation under the European Convention on Human Rights: Its Legitimacy in Theory and Application in Practice / Marvellous Richness of Diversity or Invidious Cultural Relativism? 19 HRLJ 1 (1998)
► Short Commentary on the Rules of Court: Some of the Main Points / 4 November 1998 19 HRLJ 267 (1998)
► Speculating on the Future of the Reformed European Court of Human Rights 20 HRLJ 1 (1999)
► The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights from the Perspective of the European Convention 23 HRLJ 300 (2002)
► Separation of Powers in the Council of Europe: The Status of the European Court of Human Rights Vis-à-Vis the Authorities of the Council of Europe 24 HRLJ 152 (2003)
► Parting Thoughts of an Outgoing Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights 26 HRLJ 345 (2005)
► A European Judicial Training Institute on Human Rights under the Aegis of the EurCourtHR 27 HRLJ 169 (2006)
► The EU Civil Service Tribunal: The Benefits and Drawbacks of a Specialised Judicial Body 31 HRLJ 11 (2011)
► From Strasbourg to Luxembourg and Back: Speculating about Human Rights
Protection in the European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon 31 HRLJ 73 (2011)
► Judicial Power Plus Judicial Duty Equals Judicial Legitimacy, and Other Concluding Remarks 36 HRLJ 300 (2016)

Makarczyk, Jerzy
Loucaides, Loukis G. and Makarczyk, Jerzy, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 15.10.1993 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on human rights in the Republic of Albania 15 HRLJ 242 (1994)

Malila, Mumba
Daunting Prospects: Accessing the African Court through the African Commission 31 HRLJ 61 (2011)

Malinverni, Giorgio
Freedom of Information in the European Convention on Human Rights and in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 4 HRLJ 443 (1983)

► Respective Roles of Judicial and Non-Judicial Settlement in Respect of the Merger, Written Communication to the Neuchâtel Seminar: Merger of the EurCommHR and EurCourtHR 8 HRLJ 98 (1987)
► The Draft Convention for the Protection of Minorities / The Proposal of the European Commission for Democracy through Law 12 HRLJ 265 (1991)

Mance, Jonathan
Britain on Its Own – The Way Forward to Tradition ?, 42 HRLJ 15 (2022)

Marauhn, Thilo
► Marauhn, Thilo, Nolte, Georg and Paulus, Andreas, Trends in International Humanitarian Law 29 HRLJ 216 (2008)

Marie, Jean-Bernard
► Relations between Peoples’ Rights and Human Rights: Semantic and Methodological Distinctions 7 HRLJ 195 (1986)
► International Instruments Relating to Human Rights, Status of Ratifications

as of 1 January 1982 2 HRLJ 401 (1981)
● as of 1 January 1983 3 HRLJ 433 (1982)
● as of 1 January 1984 4 HRLJ 503 (1983)
● as of 1 January 1985 5 HRLJ 357 (1984)
● as of 1 January 1986 7 HRLJ 127 (1986)
● as of 1 January 1987 8 HRLJ 217 (1987)
● as of 1 January 1988 9 HRLJ 113 (1988)
● as of 1 January 1989 10 HRLJ 103 (1989
● as of 1 January 1990 11 HRLJ 175 (1990)
● as of 1 January 1991 12 HRLJ 27 (1991)
● as of 1 January 1992 13 HRLJ 55 (1992)
● as of 1 January 1993 14 HRLJ 57 (1993)
● as of 1 January 1994 15 HRLJ 51 (1994)
● as of 1 January 1995 16 HRLJ 75 (1995)
● as of 1 January 1996 17 HRLJ 61 (1996)
● as of 1 January 1997 18 HRLJ 79 (1997)
● as of 1 January 1998 19 HRLJ 117 (1998)
● as of 1 January 1999 20 HRLJ 115 (1999)
● as of 1 January 2000 21 HRLJ 91 (2000)
● as of 1 January 2001 22 HRLJ 149 (2001)
● as of 1 January 2002 23 HRLJ 111 (2002)
● as of 1 January 2003 24 HRLJ 115 (2003)
● as of 1 January 2004 25 HRLJ 123 (2004)
● as of 1 January 2005 26 HRLJ 129 (2005)
● as of 1 January 2006 27 HRLJ 145 (2006)
● as of 1 January 2007 28 HRLJ 137 (2007)
● as of 1 January 2008 29 HRLJ 163 (2008)
● as of 1 January 2010 30 HRLJ 413 (2009-2010)
● as of 1 January 2011 31 HRLJ 237 (2011)
● as of 1 January 2012 32 HRLJ 197 (2012)
● as of 1 January 2013 33 HRLJ 211 (2013)
● as of 1 January 2014 34 HRLJ 211 (2014)
● as of 1 January 2015 35 HRLJ 283 (2015)
● as of 1 January 2016 36 HRLJ 193 (2016)
● as of 1 January 2016 36 HRLJ 193 (2016)
as of 1 January 2017 37 HRLJ 199 (2017)

Markert, Thomas
The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe: From Advisory Body to Actor in Defence of the Rule of Law and Democracy (1990-2022), 42 HRLJ 341-369 (2022)

Marty, Dick
Alleged Secret Detentions and Unlawful Inter-State Transfers of Detainees involving Council of Europe Member States, Report on behalf of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) 27 HRLJ 293 (2006)

● Introductory Editors' note regarding the background of the Marty Report 27 HRLJ 289 (2006)

Matscher, Franz
Matscher, Franz and Hall, Sir Basil, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 15.9.1992 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia 14 HRLJ 437 (1993)

► Matscher, Franz and Liddy, Jane, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 23.3.1993 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on the legislation in the Czech Republic 14 HRLJ 442 (1993)
► Matscher, Franz and Thune, Gro Hillestad, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 24.1.1995 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on the legislation of the Republic of Croatia 16 HRLJ 326 (1995)
► Matscher, Franz and Vila Amigó, Marc, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 7.1.1999 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on the conformity of legal order of Bosnia and Herzegovina with Council of Europe standards 20 HRLJ 393 (1999)

Lord McGregor of Durris
Freedom of Expression and Information: Conditions, Restrictions and Limitations Deriving from the Requirements of Democracy, Report to the 1985 Sevilla Human Rights Colloquy 6 HRLJ 384 (1985)

McHugh, Matthew
Leader of the United States Delegation, Speech to the 2nd Strasbourg Conference on Parliamentary Democracy 9 HRLJ 390 (1988)

McWilliams, Douglas
The UK – Leaving the EU but Staying in the ECHR 36 HRLJ 348 (2016)

Melchior, Michel
Alen, André and Melchior, Michel, The Relations Between the Constitutional Courts and the Other National Courts, Including the Interference in this Area of the Action of the European Courts / General Report / Brussels European Constitutional Courts Conference 23 HRLJ 304 (2002)

Mendoza, Vicente V.
The Protection of Liberties and Citizens’ Rights: The Role of the Philippine Supreme Court 21 HRLJ 129 (2000)

De Meyer, Jan
Human Rights in a Commercial Context 5 HRLJ 139 (1984)

► Note - Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of March 25, 1985 in Barthold v. Federal Republic of Germany, Freedom of Expression / Standards of Professional Conduct, Repression of Unfair Competition 6 HRLJ 329 (1985)
► De Meyer, Jan and Rozakis, Christos, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 20.1.1992 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Human Rights in the Republic of Latvia 13 HRLJ 244 (1992)

Meyer, Anja
Meyer, Anja and Zeller, Alissa C., The Icelandic Health Sector Database and the Right to Privacy 21 HRLJ 399 (2000)

Meyer-Ladewig, Jens
Drzemczewski, Andrew and Meyer-Ladewig, Jens, Principal Characteristics of the new ECHR Control Mechanism, as Established by Protocol No. 11, signed on 11 May 1994 15 HRLJ 81 (1994)

Mierzewska, Magdalena
Mahoney Colloquy, Debate 36 HRLJ 278 (2016)

Mitterrand, François
President of the French Republic, Inaugural Speech to the 2nd Strasbourg Conference on Parliamentary Democracy 9 HRLJ 374 (1988)

Mol, Nico
Myjer, Egbert, Mol, Nico, Kempees, Peter, van Steijn, Agnes and Bockwinkel, Janneke, Submitting a Complaint to the European Court of Human Rights: Eleven Common Misconceptions  27 HRLJ 331 (2006)

Morenilla Rodriguez, José Maria
Morenilla Rodriguez, José Maria, and Soyer, Jean-Claude, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 7.4.1995 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on the legislation of Ukraine 16 HRLJ 344 (1995)

● PACE recommended the Admission of Ukraine with Opinion No. 190 16 HRLJ 373 (1995)

Møse, Erik
Is the Court Prevented from Having Regard to Subsequent Developments in Making Its Assessment After the Last National Decision? 36 HRLJ 282 (2016)

► Mahoney Colloquy, Debate 36 HRLJ 290 (2016)

Muehlemann, Ernst
Russia’s request for Membership of the Council of Europe / Report of the Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 17 HRLJ 187 (1996)

► Information Report on the Situation in Chechnya / Addendum to the Progress Report of the Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 17 HRLJ 229 (1996)

Müller, Jörg Paul
► Fundamental Rights in Democracy 4 HRLJ 131 (1983)

Murray, Rachel
Report on the 1996 Sessions of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights – 19th and 20th Sessions: 26 March - 4 April and 21-31 October 1996 18 HRLJ 16 (1997)

► Report on the 1997 Sessions of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights – 21st and 22nd Sessions: 15-25 April and 2-11 November 1997 19 HRLJ 169 (1998)
► Report on the 1998 Sessions of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights – 23rd and 24th ordinary Sessions: 20-29 April and 22-31 October 1998 21 HRLJ 374 (2000)
► Report of the 1999 Session on the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights – 25th and 26th Sessions: 26 April - 5 May and 1-15 November 1999 – 22 HRLJ 172 (2001)

Myjer, Egbert
Myjer, Egbert, Mol, Nico, Kempees, Peter, van Steijn, Agnes and Bockwinkel, Janneke, Submitting a Complaint to the European Court of Human Rights: Eleven Common Misconceptions 27 HRLJ 331 (2006)