Cumulative Index as from HRLJ vol. 1 (1980) Onwards


A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   UV   W   YZ

Bagić, Snježana
Climate Change as a Challenge for Constitutional Courts: Fundamental Freedoms and Duties of Protection A Perspective from Croatia, 43 HRLJ 365-370 (2023)

Baer, Susanne
Freedom of Expression and Democracy, 43 HRLJ 15-22 (2023)

Barcroft, Peter A.A.
The Presidential Pardon -- A Flawed Solution 14 HRLJ 381 (1993)

Bates, Ed
Mahoney Colloquy, Debate 36 HRLJ 259, 278, 299 (2016)

► Activism and Self-Restraint: The Margin of Appreciation's Strasbourg Career... Its "Coming of Age"? 36 HRLJ 261 (2016)

Bates, Sebastian
► Keller, Helen, and Bates, Sebastian, Article 18 ECHR in Historical Perspective and Contemporary Application 39 HRLJ 2 (2019)

Baudenbacher, Carl
Mahoney Colloquy, Debate 36 HRLJ 258 (2016)

► Fundamental Rights in the Case-Law of the EFTA Court 36 HRLJ 307 (2016)

Bayefsky, Anne F.
The Principle of Equality or Non-Discrimination in International Law 11 HRLJ 1 (1990)

Beatty, David
Human Rights and Constitutional Review in Canada 13 HRLJ 185 (1992)

Behrens, Hans-Jörg
Forum Shopping -- A Challenge for International Human Rights Protection 40 HRLJ 24 (2020)

Bellatti Ceccoli, Guido
Closing Address / Future Developments of the European Court of Human Rights in the Light of the Wise Persons’ Report / San Marino Colloquy 28 HRLJ 37 (2007)

Bemelmans-Videc, Marie-Louise
Comments of the Wise Persons’ Report from the Perspective of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe / Future Developments of the European Court of Human Rights in the Light of the Wise Persons’ Report / San Marino Colloquy 28 HRLJ 16 (2007)

Benedek, Wolfgang
The Judiciary and Human Rights in Africa / The 1989 Banjul Seminar and the Training Workshop for a Core of Human Rights Advocates 11 HRLJ 247 (1990)

Benkow, Jo
President of the Norwegian Storting, Intervention to the 2nd Strasbourg Conference on Parliamentary Democracy 9 HRLJ 385 (1988)

Berenstein, Alexandre
► Economic and Social Rights: Their Inclusion in the European Convention on Human Rights / Problems of Formulation and Interpretation 2 HRLJ 257 (1981)

Bergsmo, Morten
The Establishment of the International Tribunal on War Crimes (ICTY) 14 HRLJ 371 (1993)

► International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia / Recent Developments 15 HRLJ 405 (1994)

Bernhardt, Rudolf
► Domestic Jurisdiction of States and International Human Rights Organs 7 HRLJ 205 (1986)
► Bernhardt, Rudolf and Schermers, Henry, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 16.1.1992 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Lithuanian Law and International Human Rights Standards 13 HRLJ 249 (1992)
► Bernhardt, Rudolf, Trechsel, Stefan, Weitzel, Albert and Ermacora, Felix, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 28.9.1994 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe,, Report on the Conformity of the Legal Order of the Russian Federation with Council of Europe Standards 15 HRLJ 249 (1994)
● PACE recommended the admission of Russia with Opinion No. 193 17 HRLJ 185 (1996)
► Mahoney Colloquy, Debate 36 HRLJ 277 (2016)

Bernard-Glanz, Christophe
Bernard-Glanz, Christophe, Blot, Audrey, Levi, Laure and Rodrigues, Stéphane, Pleading Before the EU Civil Service Tribunal: A Few Specificities of the Procedure 31 HRLJ 16 (2011)

Lord Bethell
“Human Rights in the World”, Soviet Union, Report of the European Parliament 4 HRLJ 110 (1983)

Betten, Lammy
Betten, Lammy and Korte, Joost, A Procedure for Preliminary Rulings in the Context of Merger, Written Communication to the Neuchâtel Seminar: Merger of the EurCommHR and EurCourtHR 8 HRLJ 75 (1987)

Bindig, Rudolf
Russia’s Application for Membership of the Council of Europe / Opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 17 HRLJ 218 (1996)

► Complementarity of Mechanisms within the Council of Europe / Perspectives of the Parliamentary Assembly / Dublin Castle Conference 21 HRLJ 298 (2000)
► The Human Rights Situation in the Chechen Republic / Report of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 26 HRLJ 309 (2005)

Bjorge, Eirik
The Convention as a Living Instrument Rooted in the Past, Looking to the Future 36 HRLJ 243 (2016)
Mahoney Colloquy, Debate 36 HRLJ 257 (2016)

Blackburn, Robert
The Idea of a British Bill of Rights 36 HRLJ 311 (2016)

Blot, Audrey
Bernard-Glanz, Christophe, Blot, Audrey, Levi, Laure and Rodrigues, Stéphane, Pleading Before the EU Civil Service Tribunal: A Few Specificities of the Procedure 31 HRLJ 16 (2011)

Bockwinkel, Janneke
► Myjer, Egbert, Mol,

Bodnar, Adam

► Arden, Mary / Bodnar, Adam / Chanturia, Lado / Nußberger, Angelika and Yudkivska, Ganna, Human Rights for the Future – A Chance for Peace ?, 42 HRLJ 18 (2022)

de Boer-Buquicchio, Maud
Synthesis of the Colloquy / Future Developments of the European Court of Human Rights in the Light of the Wise Persons’ Report / San Marino Colloquy 28 HRLJ 35 (2007)

Bogdanor, Vernon
Broadening Participation in the Electoral Process, Report to the 2nd Strasbourg Conference on Parliamentary Democracy 9 HRLJ 394 (1988)

Bonello, Giovanni
More Common Law than Common Sense / How the European Court of Human Rights Saves the United Kingdom from Itself / “Judges Remember ...” / Recollections and Experiences from the Strasbourg Court 34 HRLJ 239 (2014)

Bourguignon, Henry J.
Human Rights Decisions by the United States Supreme Court / October Term 1990 13 HRLJ 1 (1992)

► Human Rights Decisions by the United States Supreme Court / October Term 1991 13 HRLJ 325 (1992)
► The United States Supreme Court and Freedom of Expression / October Term 1992 15 HRLJ 137 (1994)

Bossuyt, Marc
The Development of Special Procedures of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 6 HRLJ 179 (1985)

► Bossuyt, Marc and Vandeginste, Stef, The Issue of Reparation for Slavery and Colonialism and the Durban World Conference against Racism 22 HRLJ 341 (2001)
► Should the Strasbourg Court Exercise More Self-Restraint? / On the Extension of the Jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights to Social Security Regulations 28 HRLJ 321 (2007)
► The European Court of Human Rights and Irreducible Life Sentences / The Trabelsi v. Belgium Judgment of 4 September 2014 34 HRLJ 269 (2014)
► Unduly Harsh Treatment of Sweden in Asylum Cases in Strasbourg? 36 HRLJ 323 (2016)

van Boven, Theo
► The Relations between Peoples’ Rights and Human Rights in the African Charter 7 HRLJ 183 (1986)
► The Future Codification of Human Rights: Status of Deliberations -- A Critical Analysis 10 HRLJ 1 (1989)

Bratza, Sir Nicolas
The Christine Goodwin Case / The Long Road to Transsexual Rights in the United Kingdom / “Judges Remember ...” / Recollections and Experiences from the Strasbourg Court 34 HRLJ 245 (2014)

Breitenmoser, Stephan
Breitenmoser, Stephan and Richter, Dagmar, Proposal for an Additional Protocol to the ECHR concerning the Protection of Minorities in the Participating States of the CSCE 12 HRLJ 262 (1991)

Bruns, Alexander
Conferral of Honorary Doctorate of the Law Faculty of the Georg-August University of Göttingen, upon His Excellency Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Thomas Buergenthal 28 HRLJ 161 (2007)

Buergenthal, Thomas
The Inter-American Court, Human Rights and the OAS 7 HRLJ 157 (1986)

► The U.S. and International Human Rights 9 HRLJ 141 (1988)
► The Copenhagen CSCE Meeting: A New Public Order for Europe 11 HRLJ 217 (1990)
► Doctorate honoris causa / Acceptance Speech in Göttingen 28 HRLJ 164 (2007)
Obituary for Thomas Buergenthal (11 May 1934 - 29 May 2023)
by Christian Tomuschat, 43 HRLJ 1-3 (2023)

Bullinger, Martin
Freedom of Expression and Information: An Essential Element of Democracy, Report to the 1985 Sevilla Human Rights Colloquy 6 HRLJ 339 (1985)

Buquicchio-de Boer, Maud

► Sexual Discrimination and the European Convention on Human Rights 6 HRLJ 1 (1985)