Cumulative Index as from HRLJ vol. 1 (1980) Onwards

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   UV   W   YZ

Eaton, Martin
Eaton, Martin and Schokkenbroek, Jeroen, Reforming the Human Rights Protection System Established by the European Convention on Human Rights / A New Protocol No. 14 to the Convention and other Measures to Guarantee the Long-Term Effectiveness of the Convention System 26 HRLJ 1 (2005)
The New Judicial Filtering Mechanism: Introductory Comments / Future Developments of the European Court of Human Rights in the Light of the Wise Persons’ Report / San Marino Colloquy 28 HRLJ 12 (2007)

Edenhofer, Ottmar
Edenhofer, Ottmar, and Kilimann, Cecilia, Governing the Unmanageable ?  Key Challenges for Climate Politics in the 21st Century, 43 HRLJ 337-346 (2023)

Edwards, Jim
The Role of the Media, Report to the 2nd Strasbourg Conference on Parliamentary Democracy 9 HRLJ 449 (1988)

Eide, Asbjørn

► Realization of Social and Economic Rights and the Minimum Threshold Approach 10 HRLJ 53 (1989)

Eminent lawyers reports
re: Admission of new Member States to the Council of Europe
13 reports in alphabetical order by State, see below

Engel, Norbert Paul
Independence of the European Court of Human Rights as a Prerequisite for the European Union’s Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights (Article I-7 § 2 of the Draft Constitution for Europe)  24 HRLJ 148 (2003)

► Independence of the European Court of Human Rights and its Judges is a Higher Priority
than a New EU Authority for Monitoring Human Rights (Human Rights Agency) / Proposal for
a Conditional “EurCourtHR clause” 27 HRLJ 340 (2006)
► More Transparency and Governmental Loyalty for Maintaining Professional Quality in the Election of Judges to the European Court of Human Rights 32 HRLJ 448 (2012)
► Introduction to the Mahoney Colloquy 36 HRLJ 242 (2016)
►Mahoney Colloquy, Debate 36 HRLJ 290 (2016)

Ermacora, Felix
The Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan, Report to the United Nations ECOSOC of 19 February 1985 6 HRLJ 29 (1985)

► Bernhardt, Rudolf, Trechsel, Stefan, Weitzel, Albert, and Ermacora, Felix, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 28.9.1994 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on the conformity of the legal order of the Russian Federation with Council of Europe Standards 15 HRLJ 249 (1994)
● PACE recommended the admission of Russia with Opinion No. 193 17 HRLJ 185 (1996)

Evrigenis, Dimitrios

► Recent Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights on Articles 8 and 10 of the ECHR 3 HRLJ 121 (1982)

                                                                         **   **   **

Eminent lawyers reports
re: Admission of new Member States to the Council of Europe
13 reports in alphabetical order by State

Albania: HRLJ 1994, 242                            Lucaides/Makarczyk
 Loucaides, Loukis G. and Makarczyk, Jerzy, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 15.10.1993 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on human rights in the Republic of Albania 15 HRLJ 242 (1994)

Croatia: HRLJ 1995, 326                            Matscher / Thune
► Matscher, Franz and Hillestad Thune, Gro, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 24.1.1995 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the Admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on the Legislation of the Republic of Croatia 16 HRLJ 326 (1995)

Czech Republic: HRLJ 1993, 442                Matscher / Liddy
► Matscher, Franz and Liddy, Jane, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 23.3.1993 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on the legislation in the Czech Republic 14 HRLJ 442 (1993)

Estonia: HRLJ 1992, 236                             Pekkanen / Danelius
 Pekkanen, Raimo, and Danelius, Hans, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 17.12.1991 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Human Rights in the Republic of Estonia 13 HRLJ 236 (1992)

Latvia: HRLJ 1992, 244                               De Meyer / Rozakis
► De Meyer, Jan and Rozakis, Christos, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 20.1.1992 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the Admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Human Rights in the Republic of Latvia 13 HRLJ 244 (1992)

Lithuania HRLJ 1992, 249                           Bernhardt / Schermers
► Bernhardt, Rudolf and Schermers, Henry, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 16.1.1992 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the Admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Lithuanian Law and International Human Rights Standards 13 HRLJ 249 (1992)

Macedonia: HRLJ 1995, 365                        Sir John Freeland / Jörundsson
► Freeland, Sir John and Jörundsson, Gaukur, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 4.5.1995 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Report on developing legislation, human rights and the rule of law in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 16 HRLJ 365 (1995)

Moldova: HRLJ 1994, 383                            Jungwiert/Nowicki
 Jungwiert, Karel and Nowicki, Marek A., Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 29.9.1994 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on the legislation of the Republic of Moldova 15 HRLJ 383 (1994)

Romania: HRLJ 1993, 133                           Spielmann / Frowein
 Spielmann, Alphonse and Frowein, Jochen Abr., Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 25.1.1993 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the Admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on Human Rights in Romania 14 HRLJ 133 (1993)

Russia: HRLJ 1994, 250                               Bernhardt/Trechsel/Weitzel/Ermacora
► Bernhardt, Rudolf, Trechsel, Stefan, Weitzel, Albert and Ermacora, Felix, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 28.9.1994 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe,, Report on the Conformity of the Legal Order of the Russian Federation with Council of Europe Standards 15 HRLJ 249 (1994)
● PACE recommended the admission of Russia with Opinion No. 193 17 HRLJ 185 (1996)
► Mahoney Colloquy, Debate 36 HRLJ 277 (2016)

Slovakia: HRLJ 1993, 446                             Sir Basil Hall / Pettiti
► Hall, Sir Basil and Pettiti, Louis-Edmond, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 28.4.1993 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on Human Rights in Slovakia 14 HRLJ 446 (1993)

Slovenia: HRLJ 1993, 437                              Matscher / Sir Basil Hall
 Matscher, Franz and Hall, Sir Basil, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 15.9.1992 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia 14 HRLJ 437 (1993)

Ukraine: HRLJ 1995, 344                                Morenilla / Soyer
 Morenilla Rodriguez, José Maria, and Soyer, Jean-Claude, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 7.4.1995 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on the legislation of Ukraine 16 HRLJ 344 (1995)