Cumulative Index as from HRLJ vol. 1 (1980) Onwards

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   UV   W   YZ

Haefliger, Arthur
The Hierarchy of Constitutional Norms and its Function in Protecting Human Rights / Swiss Report, Ankara Conference of the European Constitutional Courts 13 HRLJ 81 (1992)

Hall, Sir Basil

► Matscher, Franz and Hall, Sir Basil, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 15.9.1992 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Report on the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia 14 HRLJ 437 (1993) (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe
► Hall, Sir Basil and Pettiti, Louis-Edmond, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 28.4.1993 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on Human Rights in Slovakia 14 HRLJ 446 (1993)

Haller, Bruno
Election Observation by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [after the Introduction of Special Guest Status for National Legislative Assemblies in European Non-Member States] 26 HRLJ 160 (2005)

► The Admission of Ukraine to the Council of Europe: The Role of the Parliamentary Assembly 27 HRLJ 341 (2006)

Hamblen, Nicholas
Recourse to the Courts in Climate Litigation Cases in the United Kingdom, 43 HRLJ 350-351 (2023)

Hammarberg, Thomas
Alternative or Complementary Means of Resolving Disputes and Other Issues Broached in the Wise Persons’ Report / Future Developments of the European Court of Human Rights in the Light of the Wise Persons’ Report / San Marino Colloquy 28 HRLJ 24 (2007)

Hänni, Julia
The Prospects of Climate Litigation before the European Court of Human Rights: Prerequisites and Possible Challenges 40 HRLJ 5 (2020)

Harbarth, Stephan
► Specifics of Germany’s Catalogue of Human Rights and the History of its Application in the Case-Law of the German Federal Constitutional Court (Contribution to the XVIII Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts, Prague) 41 HRLJ 9-12 (2021)

Harding, Timothy
Problems Raised by Visits to Places of Detention: The Viewpoint of a Psychiatrist, Strasbourg Seminar on the Implementation of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture 10 HRLJ 160 (1989)

Harman, Justin
Complementarity of Mechanisms within the Council of Europe / Perspectives of the Committee of Ministers / Dublin Castle Conference 21 HRLJ 296 (2000)

►Harman, Justin, Wildhaber, Luzius, Krüger, Christian, Report of the Evaluation Group to
the Committee of Ministers on the European Court of Human rights 22 HRLJ 308 (2001)

Harvey, Paul
The Principle of Subsidiarity: A More Positive Approach 36 HRLJ 335 (2016)

Haug, Hans
The Goals of the Strasbourg Seminar on the Implementation of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture 10 HRLJ 138 (1989)

Hedigan, John
Reflections on Strasbourg / “Judges Remember ...” / Recollections and Experiences from the Strasbourg Court 34 HRLJ 251 (2014)

Helgesen, Jan Erik
What are the Limits to the Evolutive Interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights? 31 HRLJ 275 (2011)

Henckaerts, Jean-Marie
The Current Status and Content of the Prohibition of Mass Expulsion of Aliens 15 HRLJ 301 (1994)

Henkin, Louis

► Economic-Social Rights as “Rights”: A United States Perspective 2 HRLJ 223 (1981)

Herdegen, Matthias
Natural Law, Constitutional Values and Human Rights / A Comparative Analysis 19 HRLJ 37 (1998)

Heri, Corina
Keller, Helen and Heri, Corina, Selective Criminal Proceedings and Article 18 ECHR / The European Court of Human Rights’ Untapped Potential to Protect Democracy 36 HRLJ 1 (2016)

Herzog, Roman
The Hierarchy of Constitutional Norms and its Function in Protecting Human Rights / German Report, Ankara Conference of the European Constitutional Courts 13 HRLJ 90 (1992)

van den Heuvel, Ien
“Human Rights in the World”, Countries of Asia and Australia, Report of the European Parliament 4 HRLJ 38 (1983)

Hillel, Shlomo
Speaker of the Knesset, Speech to the 2d Strasbourg Conference on Parliamentary Democracy 1987 9 HRLJ 387 (1988)

Hjartarson, Arnaldur
Wildhaber, Luzius, Hjartarson, Arnaldur and Donnelly, Stephen, No Consensus on Consensus? The Practice of the European Court of Human Rights 33 HRLJ 248 (2013)

Hofmann, Rainer
The Right to Leave and to Return to One’s Own Country, Results of the Strasbourg Meeting of Experts 1986 on the Strasbourg Declaration on the Right to Leave and to Return, An introduction 8 HRLJ 478 (1987)

van der Hulle, Rick
Alkema, Evert A., van der Hulle, Rob and van der Hulle, Rick, Safeguard Rules in the European Legal Order: The Relationship between Article 53 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Article 53 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union 35 HRLJ 8 (2015)

van der Hulle, Rob
Alkema, Evert A., van der Hulle, Rob and van der Hulle, Rick, Safeguard Rules in the European Legal Order: The Relationship between Article 53 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Article 53 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union 35 HRLJ 8 (2015)