Cumulative Index as from HRLJ vol. 1 (1980) Onwards

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   UV   W   YZ

Labarthe, Jean-François
Problems Raised by Visits to Places of Detention: Technique for Visits to Persons Deprived of their Liberty, Strasbourg Seminar on the Implementation of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture 10 HRLJ 146 (1989)

Lack, Daniel

► Human Rights and the Disadvantaged 10 HRLJ 53 (1989)

Lang, Richard
Unlocking the First Protocol: Protection of Property and the European Court of Human Rights  29 HRLJ 205 (2008)

Langenfeld, Christine
►Langenfeld, Christine and Radtke, Henning, National Report Germany – Two Parts (XVIII Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts, Prague) 41 HRLJ 13 ff. (2021)
– General Part by Christine Langenfeld: Catalogues of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
– Special Part by Henning Radtke: Specific Issues Related to Selected Fundamental Rights

Leach, Philip
Access to the European Court of Human Rights – From a Legal Entitlement to a Lottery? 27 HRLJ 11 (2006)

Leibowitz, Arnold H.

► Comparative Analysis of Immigration in Key Developed Countries in Relation to Immigration Reform and Control Legislation in the United States 7 HRLJ 1 (1986)

Lemmens, Paul
Mahoney Colloquy, Debate 36 HRLJ 281 (2016)

Lenaerts, Koen
► International and Supranational Catalogues of Human Rights in Theory and in Practice (Video message to the XVIII Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts, Prague) 41 HRLJ 4-6 (2021)
► The European Court of Justice in 2040 – Pacemaker of European Integration or Lost in Transition ?, 42 HRLJ 9 (2022)
► Recourse to Constitutional Courts in Climate Litigation Cases: A Perspective from the CJEU, 43 HRLJ 347-349 (2023)

Lenz, Marlene
“Human Rights in the World”, States of the Near East and African States not Signatories to the Lomé Agreement, Report of the European Parliament 4 HRLJ 60 (1983)

Lesser, Leonard

► Ginsberg, Mitchell I. and Lesser, Leonard, Current Developments in Economic and Social Rights: A United States Perspective 2 HRLJ 237 (1981)

Lester, Anthony
Merger of the European Commission and the European Court of Human Rights from the Perspective of the Applicants and their Legal Representatives, Report No. 3 to the Neuchâtel Seminar 8 HRLJ 34 (1987)

Leuprecht, Peter

► Reflections on Human Rights 9 HRLJ 163 (1988)
► The Conditions for an Effective Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention against Torture, 1988 Strasbourg Seminar on the Implementation of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture 10 HRLJ 141 (1989)

Levi, Laure
Bernard-Glanz, Christophe, Blot, Audrey, Levi, Laure and Rodrigues, Stéphane, Pleading before the EU Civil Service Tribunal: A few Specificities of the Procedure 31 HRLJ 16 (2011)

Leyendecker, Ludwig
Summary of the Discussions at the Klingenthal Symposium on Peoples’ Rights and Human Rights 7 HRLJ 410 (1986)

Lhoëst, Nicolas
European Union Civil Service Tribunal Case-Law: How to Reconcile Judicial Review and the Human Dimension? 31 HRLJ 36 (2011)

Liddy, Jane

► Matscher, Franz and Liddy, Jane, Eminent Lawyers’ Report of 23.3.1993 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on the legislation in the Czech Republic 14 HRLJ 442 (1993)

Limbach, Jutta
Inter-jurisdictional co-operation within the Future Scheme of Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe 21 HRLJ 333 (2000)

► See also Wise Persons Report

Louis, Jean-Noël
Pleading before the Civil Service Tribunal of the EU: Specificities of the European Union’s First Specialised Tribunal 31 HRLJ 34 (2011)

Loucaides, Loukis G.
Loucaides, Loukis G. and Makarczyk, Jerzy, Eminent Lawyers' Report of 15.10.1993 requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in order to prepare PACE’s Opinion on the admission of a new Member State to the Council of Europe, Report on human rights in the Republic of Albania 15 HRLJ 242 (1994)

Lubberdink, Henk
Some Observations on the Role of Constitutional Norms, International Norms and Legal Principles in the Netherlands Legal System with Respect to the Inviolability of Statute Law / Netherlands Report, Ankara Conference of the European Constitutional Courts 13 HRLJ 93 (1992)

Lübbe-Wolff, Gertrude
How can the European Court of Human Rights Reinforce the Role of National Courts in the Convention System? 32 HRLJ 11 (2012)

► The Principle of Proportionality in the Case-Law of the German Federal Constitutional Court 34 HRLJ 12 (2014)
► Mahoney Colloquy, Third Session – Temporal Aspects in the Case-Law of the EurCourtHR, Debate 36 HRLJ 282, 289 (2016)